The microsystem Ltd. based in Naples is in degree to realize your veterinary laboratory in a practical and economical.
Tosoh enzyme immunoassay to quantify analytes such as T3, T4, cortisol, progesterone as well as B12 and folate.
Counting ABBOTT CELL DYN 3500-3700 with the veterinary program to create up to 1000 different species than the usual horse cat dog can also enter animals in the herd or zoophilic structures.
We sell instrument for dry and liquid clinical chemistry and also electrophoresis of serum proteins with automated instrumentation.
We sell a wide rapid test panel as Giardia, LSH, FPV, FIPV, CDV and also combined tests such as IVF duo test Ab + Ag Felv.
Technical assistance, and specialized and customer support.
only with us you can realize a full veterinary laboratory for analysis.
Deliveries in 24 hours from the order of Campania, Lazio, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and many other regions.
Tosoh AIA-360 o AIA-600 for progesteron,T3,T4 and others
ABBOTT CELL-DYN 3500-3700 Vet program
Adalya 24/Mini phor
Adalya 24 refurbished
New centrifuge 12-24 tubes
Veterinary rapid TEST
Portable and fixed ultrasound devices
Automatic instruments for elisa method
Tosoh aia 360
Immunoassay instrument
Provette e materiale monouso
All tubes and material plastic of you need